Saturday, August 23, 2008

After the lies

Michael Guglielmucci , the writer of healer wasn't actually suffering from cancer.
You can read more of it here.

I came to know of this from [info]twinkilya and everything in italics will be quoted from her blog entry.

For the uninitiated, Michael Guglielmucci is the guy who wrote the song Healer, featured on Hillsongs latest album.
I think its just sad because this puts Christians in a very bad light and I can just imagine how so many who have been touched by this song will feel. Betrayed, hurt , cynical ? Hillsongs loses its credibility. Here's the video of the song if you want to see it.

and this one by blogger John Finkelde expressed stuff I agreed with:
Michael’s deception & betrayal will wreak havoc - unbelievers will mock the church, Christians in the workplace will face increased cynicism, pastors will be less trusted & the supernatural nature of the gospel will be openly questioned.

So why do pastors lie?

Same reason anyone lies - approval, pride, survival, prestige, ego.

The difference is that pastors are required to live impeccable (not perfect) lives so that Christ is honoured & people are shepherded securely.

This is an entirely appropriate demand. When leaders ignore it hell rejoices & breaks loose.

What to do?

First, it’s ok to be angry & disappointed.

Second, reject the easy option of projecting Michael’s failure onto all & sundry. It’s his sin, not mine … or yours.

Third, pray for … yourself, your friends, your church & the Guglielmucci family. And the Planetshakers & Edge churches - it’s going to be a tough Sunday in those churches this weekend.


This bit of what Joel Klampert said is so true said is so true, because I feel the most for the youth directly under Mike Guglielmucci. I can't imagine how I'd feel if I were one of them!

Also lets make sure we pray for his youth that looked up to him that they won’t be disillusioned with the church. Pray for Hillsong that this does not throw them into a situation where people think they can’t trust them. This is a huge situation, but not one that God was not aware would happen.


So what about the song Healer, now that we know it was written "out of a lie", in a sense? From the blog of a Canadian worship leader:

I have nothing to say about whether or not you should play the song. Some will say that the song is born in the heart of the writer and there is no way to use the song to lead people in worship. Some will say that the song - not the writer - is anointed and if God can speak through a donkey he can certainly speak through a deceiving, lying songwriter. Some will say that the song is worthless and not very good and shouldn’t be used in congregational worship anyways. So take your pick.

and finally, a form of answer also from her blog

read this article, When Vessels Break, which provides a good insight to this whole thing with reference to God's using of broken vessels.

We do not know the heart or motives of Mike Guglielmucci, Todd Bentley, or other ministers who have had their sins exposed on a worldwide level. We certainly must confess that we’re all capable of such sin. We must ask ourselves how the Church would respond if all of our secret sins, thoughts, motives, and selfish ambitions were exposed for the world to see.

With this in mind, we have to ask ourselves this question - does the breaking of the vessel disqualify what the vessel produced? Is the song tainted? Honestly, the true motive behind the creation of these lyrics and this beautiful, anthemic melody is still unknown. We cannot (and should not) accurately judge that at this time with our limited information. Still, aren’t these lyrics still true? Do they not express God’s redemption and healing grace? Do they not uplift and edify the sick, the weak and the weary?

Lastly, could it be that God will use any vessel (weak, strong, broken, tainted) to accomplish His will? I believe we can go to Scripture and see God using the weak to confound the wise. He uses wicked Kings and rulers to further His plan. He uses prostitutes and yes, even donkeys. He uses you and me.

It gives Philippians 1:15-18 as being pretty relevant to the situation:

15 It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. 16 The latter do so in love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. 17 The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains.

18 But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, …

and, The Message translation's of verses 18-19. maybe this is how we should respond.

18 So how am I to respond? I’ve decided that I really don’t care about their motives, whether mixed, bad, or indifferent. Every time one of them opens his mouth, Christ is proclaimed, so I just cheer them on! And I’m going to keep that celebration going 19 because I know how it’s going to turn out.

Anyone with comments or thoughts , you're more than welcome to share them (:

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